The “Share the Gardens Scholarship Fund” helps financially-challenged school districts bring students to experience Hershey Gardens.
Qualifying schools may apply for funds to cover the cost of a field trip to Hershey Gardens, including the indoor Butterfly Atrium.
If transportation costs will prohibit a field trip, scholarship funds may be used to reimburse a school up to $100 per bus for a field trip to Hershey Gardens. Please note: in order to receive this reimbursement, a W9 and an invoice are required.
Donate now and help bring more students
to Hershey Gardens.
$11 brings one student; $300 brings a class!
All donations are tax-deductible. Donate now.

Who is eligible?
Any Pennsylvania school that has 75% or more students who are eligible for free- or reduced-price lunches under the National School Lunch program.
What can the funds be used for?
The scholarship funds may be used for student admission fees to visit Hershey Gardens with their school.
If transportation costs will prohibit a field trip, scholarship funds may be used to reimburse a school up to $100 per bus for a field trip to Hershey Gardens. We encourage teachers to look for alternative funding for transportation in order to make the fund available to as many students as possible.
What programs are available?
Hershey Gardens’ school programs can be found here.
When can we visit?
Schools may visit using Share the Gardens Scholarship Funds any time during the year.
How do we apply?
Funds are dispersed on a first-come, first-served basis.
When can we schedule a visit?
Share the Gardens recipients can make a reservation by clicking the “apply now” button below. Reservations are accepted year-round. Schools eligible to receive the scholarship are provided with priority scheduling for the 2024-2025 school term.
Please consider a donation to this important program. Call 717.298.2203 for more information on how to donate.